P.S.H.E & R.S.E
Our PSHE and RSE Subject Leader is Mrs Rachel Taylor
Crawley Ridge Junior School is committed to providing a high-quality educational experience for all pupils. Our curriculum determines and underpins the whole ethos of our school. At Crawley Ridge, our personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE) curriculum brings together citizenship with personal well -being, whilst promoting fundamental British values. Although PSHE is taught through discreet lessons, it also underpins all activities, assemblies, educational visits and school clubs. It is intended that we will offer a cohesive whole -school approach which enables our children to become healthy, independent and responsible members of our society.
PSHE is taught across the school continuously during lessons, assemblies, school events and break times. In addition, PSHE is integrated into our curriculum through SMSC and our school values:
Our PSHE curriculum promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of our pupils, preparing them for life in the wider world. At Crawley Ridge Junior School, pupils are taught:
To develop the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to manage their lives now and in the future.
1. Opportunities to explore, clarify and if necessary, challenge their own and others' values, attitudes, beliefs, rights and responsibilities.
2. The skills, language and strategies they need in order to live a healthy, safe, fulfilling, responsible and balanced lives.
3. Opportunities to develop personal attributes such as resilience, self-confidence, self-esteem and empathy.
We use the PSHE Association and SCARF Coram Life to inform our curriculum planning. Topics included in the programme of study are: Me and My Relationships, Valuing Difference, Keeping Myself Safe, Being My Best, Rights and Responsibilities, Growing and Changing.
Children demonstrate and apply the British Values of Democracy, Tolerance, Mutual Respect, Rule of Law and Liberty. They demonstrate a healthy outlook towards school and this is evident in the good behaviour seen across the school. As a result of this, pupils achieve age-related expectations across the wider curriculum. Teachers assess pupils' progress using the TAMAT foundation subject assessment grids and pupil voice is used to measure children's understanding.
Furthermore, the impact of our PSHE programme can be seen in the children's social interactions, after school club attendance and in our Pupil Parliament, including the learning council, well-being council, digital leaders and eco council.
Relationship and Sex Education
Sex education is a natural development in the science study programme of life cycles in the Year 5 summer term. It is not treated as a separate subject to be taught in isolation. In our school planning the structure, behaviour and life history of many different animals and plants are studied within this context; humans are also included. In Year 3 children are introduced to the biology of the human body. In Year 5 changes in the development of boys and girls at puberty are discussed and explained in some detail, as is the subject of human reproduction. This is related to and compared with reproduction in other mammals and plant life cycles.
However it is always stressed that there are wider implications to be considered in all human behaviour. Great emphasis is laid on the wonder and mystery of life and the importance of responsible attitudes and loving and caring relationships.
Parents will be offered the opportunity to have more detailed information on the content and resources used before this topic is commenced.
The selection of teaching material used is appropriate to the ages of pupils, consideration is always given to meeting the needs of the pupils and staff will exercise their judgement in particular situations and most importantly will consider the nature of the child/children whom they are teaching. The Governors recognise that parents have a statutory right to withdraw their children from these lessons. However they hope that all children will participate.
The Headteacher is very happy to discuss this aspect of the curriculum with any parent who may have concerns.
We consulted parents with regard to our RSE policy in July 2020 and followed up again in October 2020. Governors reviewed the policy in July 2020.