Year 5 News
Term Summary
Year 5 have been busy this term.
The term started with our residential where we learnt about farming and how the processes have changed from Tudor times to now. On the second day, we visited the Mary Rose to explore evidence of Tudor life on board the ship. On our final day, we visited Weald and Downland to learn about Tudor homes.
Since then, we have written narrative poems about the sinking of the Mary Rose; explored rural Tudor life in more depth and experimented with the work of artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser to add a colourful twist to Tudor architecture.
Next week we are moving onto seasonality as we cook a modern version of the Tudor meal Pottage.
After that, we are continuing with the DT theme as we decorate and sew posy bags which the Tudors used to disguise bad odours.
In our final week, we will be completing our computing curriculum by using Scratch to create an interactive quiz.
The Year 5 have had an amazing year, well done everybody.